Experience the ethereal beauty of the “Northern Lights” directed by the talented David Feltner. This captivating musical journey begins with Edvard Grieg’s enchanting “Peer Gynt Suite No. 1,” featuring the iconic “Morning Mood” and the lively “Anitra’s Dance.” The evening continues with Grieg’s powerful “Piano Concerto in A minor,” showcasing the virtuosity of pianist Seokyoung Hong through its dynamic movements. After a mesmerizing Intermission, immerse yourself in the evocative sounds of Jean Sibelius’ “Symphony No. 2 in D Major,” with its compelling Allegretto, Tempo andante, ma rubato, Vivacissimo, and a triumphant Finale: Allegro moderato. Join us for a night of musical wonder as we journey through the enchanting landscapes of Northern Lights.